Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Something India Needs

I could not help but think that this is something that all Indians must actively develop. Using the web to promulgate consumer activism. With the Indian judicial system on sleep mode (no offence to sleeping judges, lawyers, defendants and attendees) for such a long time, it's up to ordinary people (at least the privileged middle classes) to begin this assault on reckless, heedless, avaricious, self-serving, unrestrained corporations and entrepreneurs.


Let He Who Is Without Com Cast the First Stone
Comcast Must Die: Part 8
By Bob Garfield Published: October 10, 2007 The site, comcastmustdie.com, finally went up Friday. Since then there have been more than 100 posts, mainly from frustrated Comcustomers, but also from Comcast employees and generally disgusted consumers of cable-telecom services far and wide. Most heartening is the fact that, as per my evil scheme, Comcast has been forced to monitor the traffic. Aggrieved customers who post their account numbers are getting calls from Comcast trying to resolve their problems. That, of course, is the entire point of the exercise. In a perfect world, the corporation would also be busying itself to create its own internal structures to address consumer complaints, feedback...even praise. But this is a start. The onus is on Comcast to continue its attentiveness. Be assured, I will be paying close attention -- and so will many, many others.

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